Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jerome, Arizona - A Photo Essay

As promised, I would post images and info on the portion of my travel where I came through Jerome, Arizona. My friend Tim suggested I really should stop and have lunch there, or at the very least, get out of the van and take a walk around. "Jerome is the coolest little town you've ever seen." he told me. He was right!

I did not stop for lunch, mostly because I arrived there at about 8am, but also because I had just spent $300 getting the van repaired the day before and that was pretty much my food budget for....about 2 1/2 months. Instead I pulled over in front of Nelly Bly's, which is now a drinking establishment, and pulled out the stove to brew my own breakfast cup of coffee.

Cup in hand, I and Teddy strolled up and down this hillside town, enjoying a sense of history, perseverance, and proof that a town does NOT need to kowtow to corporate America in order to be vibrant. There was not a single franchise to be seen. Not even a gas station or bank! Each and every store was a privately owned, mom and pop operation.

Admittedly, I do not know much about Jerome, but do hope to go back with Peter once he arrives in January. Until then, I will post some links for you which may provide more information about the town. I'll do that after the images, all photos I took that morning.

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
The Hotel Connor and Neighboring Building

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
A view of the land below the town of Jerome

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Historical Block and Remains of the Mine Offices and Bank Building

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
A Safe Displayed as Art and Artifact

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Smelting Furnace From an Area Mine

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
The Remaining Wall of a Long-Gone Building

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Streetlight - They don't make 'em like they used to!

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
A Loveley Window from one of Jerome's Buildings

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Plaque for the Motor Building

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
The Motor Building

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Plaque for Jennie's Place, an historical Bordello

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Plaque for Husband's Alley, so named after Prostitution was made illegal in the town

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Another pretty buidling currenlty in use and providing Jerome visitors a glimpse of it's quaint modern charm

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Chandelier and Vines on the Porch of a Jerome Establsihment

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
A Big Blue House on the Hillside

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Jerome's Firehouse

Jerome Arizona,Happiegrrrl
Unknown Building in the Valley Below, as Seen Near the Motor Building

Tourism Information - "America's Most Vertical City" and "Largest Ghost Town in America"

Wikipedia Entry for Jerome, AZ

jerome Times - Including a "Stories and legends" and elements from the twon newspaper published in the 18800's

Connor Hotel

Google Images for Jerome

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