Saturday, August 09, 2008

How Hard Can Running a Climbing Gym Be?!

....I have no idea, since I have never been in one except to flail away on some routes. What you don't know won't hurt you, the saying goes, but maybe that's not all there is to the story.

I ran across a post on entitled Rock Gym Pro - Climbing Gym Management Software and have to admit - it never occurred to me that the back end of managing a climbing gym would include aspects different than pretty much any retail business. It seems, I am wrong!

Andy Laakman, who owns the Mountain Project website also runs a rock gym, and he ought to know. He ran into all sorts of troubles, he wrote in the above link, and so he went out and used his extensive experience as a programmer to create a climbing-gym specific program. Now he's putting that software out for other climbing gym operators to use.

Not much of a market....but I figure that he can use all the help we in the climbing community, can give him, in letting gym managers know of this package. So - if you know someone who owns or manages a climbing gym, or is thinking about doing so - send him over to the site Andy's made about that software, which is here. Who knows, it might just be the advantage that tips their MakeItOrBreakIt scale to the MakeIt side!

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